Sunday, December 6, 2009

Working Day and Night

I've been working...or at least trying to book some work. The week after the Thanksgiving holiday proved to be a busy one. I went on 3 commercial auditions and  two theater auditions...a total of 5 auditions in a week, more than I've ever gone on. With all of those auditions comes preperation and anxiety...but I think I did ok. As of today I didn't book any commercials and I'm still waiting to hear about callbacks for the theater auditions. I suppose this is also an important part of my condiditioning as an actor. I've gone on 8 commercial auditions so far: Chinet, T-Mobile, Non-Profit Org, Postal Service, Sears, a different Sears, Walmart, and Anheuser Busch. I've booked one, the first one. Most say that's how this "game" works. But as much as I'm auditioning, I really need to get in a show or book a on-camera gig ASAP. I don't have anything going on until Old Settler next month where I understudy, and since the State of Illinois is so slow in paying everyone, my day job put me on two weeks furlow during the holidays starting on Dec. 20th. So...I have a gameplan:

1) Work on my new monologues...YAY...I found some that I connect with!
2)Take a dance class (or register for one)
3)Register for my January Meisner class (can't wait).
4)Work on the script for my understudy role
5)Get some rest and refocus

On #5...Audition season is coming up and I need to feel confident and ready! I can't wait to see what this next audition season will offer. There is a big possiblity that after this next theater season I will make a move to a bigger market(yep). Although I still have a baby face and feel 19 some days, the reality is that I'm not getting any younger...the bottom line is that I just need to GO...step out and take the risk and see where God and my talent takes me. So, actually...all I'm doing now is helping me and is in great preparation for what is to come...I can't wait.
R. Marie

1 comment:

  1. I have a feeling that this upcoming audition season will be a great one, and we're all gonna get a chance to see Chicago's brightest star shine!
