Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Taking the LEAP


I have never been a big blogger but I often have lots of internal dialogue. I thought...what better way to express all of this thought than to write it down.

In less than two weeks my life will begin a major change. If you read my last blog, (if you can sift through all the bug metaphors) you know that I recently got accepted into the School at Steppenwolf...YAY! For the past few years I have been going back and forth in my mind to see whether I should fully pursue my acting career or to just keep it part time. When I began acting in the city of Chicago, I just started auditioning for shows and was "on a roll" as they say...but something happened towards the end of 2007 and most of 2008. I started a new job and acting took a back seat. When I wanted acting to come back to the forefront, I wasn't cast an anything. It sucked! I was all set to get into the School at Steppenwolf in 2008, but after enrolling in a monologue class and also having two personal coaching sessions with a nutcase of an acting coach (another story), I was devastatingly rejected. The end of 2008 brought major change, I began getting cast for shows back to back and I decided...hey, why don't I go ahead and apply for School at Steppenwolf one 'mo gin (once again for you non AAE speakers). I applied, gave everything I had in the audition, and got that acceptance letter on April 3rd...a day before my birthday!!! How exciting! With all the theatre work I've been doing this season and the School acceptance...I saw that God had lit up that pathway for me and pointed my compass a new direction. So I is the time to walk down the path. Next year I will be working super part time and being a flexible frelance professional and artist. I cannot wait. I am full of nervous excitment as I have never taken a leap so "bold" in my life. But it makes so much sense that I am doing this life change each day I get closer to it. There is no better time than the present. Time to walk in my gifts.

R. Marie


  1. Hey beautiful,
    Congrats on your new blog...I'm loving the fact that you'd display my photo skills online. :-)
    I'm really proud to see you come this far and to be with you as you take that leap to the next level of your acting career. It's a wonderful thing when we put it all on the line for our passions, and with a lot of hard work only good is gonna come of it! You're gonna have a great time this summer at School at Steppenwolf, not to mention with me! ;-)


  2. I'll just say that you are definitely "in transition to your queendom". And what a lovely transition it will be =)

    Sending nothing but sunshine and giggles your way.

