Saturday, August 29, 2009

Lots to say...feeling good, feeling great!

First, Happy birthday M.J!!
I'm not going to give a long speech...just had to get that out!! So many good blessings coming my way! Headed to day 2 of a film shoot. I can't stress enough how film is a totally different animal than theater and it takes lots of patience and focus. It was big fun...I have one more scene to shoot than I am done.
Next...a big casting agency contacted me (one of the three big ones in the city that cast for ma jor tv, films, and commercials) for an audition for a commercial on Tuesday. Apparently they saw me in the Stepp school showcase and sought my out. What!!! So first commercial audition is on Tuesday for a major product. Send some prayers up yall.
I also will have an appointment with an agent next week...who sought me out. Fyi, agents get you tv, film, and commercial work (as well as big equity theatre work). AAAh...when you step towards your dream, the dream comes closer to you.
I'm so excited, I would like to share a laugh with you all: One of my favorite Cosby episodes:
you'll have to click the link to view it!

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