Sunday, September 27, 2009

The calm before the storm...


It's been about two weeks since my last post. I haven't blogged because I've been working on lots of personal projects. One of them has been an effort to not overwhelm myself and to get organized. I honestly went through a weird period for the last month. I left school and had free time but it wasn't very free. I followed the pattern that I typically follow which is hopping from one activity to the next...dealing with the "have to's " and "said I would's" instead of just sitting down and processing my life. Thus, that is what I am doing right now...trying to get it together. Don't get me wrong, I"m so happy about all of th things that are happening in my life. But, if I am always worring about "what happens next" instead taking just a little bit of time processing what has happened or what is happening now, I may not enjoy and appreciate things as much. Thus, I'm making some changes and trying to adjust my turbo speed life and bring it down to super least for now.

I titled this blog "The calm before the storm" because things are a bit balanced right now in my life, and rarely it is this way. I don't see the "storm" as a storm of negative things, I see it as a storm of positivity and opportunity that will propel me towards my goals. I am focusing on stability for now so I can handle anything that comes my way.

With all of that said...allow me to update everyone on what's been going on:

1) I shot the Chinet commercial last Thursday...YAY! It was very exciting. We shot it at some rich person's house in Evanston (some will argue that they were not rich, but upper middle class but hell, they seemed rich to me). So...our call time was at 9:30 and the first thing we did was check in and visited the breakfast trailer where the cook served up made to order omelets, hot oatmeal, fruit, cereal etc. Nice! Next we were rushed through makeup and wardrobe ( and I do mean rushed). The director kept pushing up the shoot went from 11, to "we need the girls ready in 30 minutes, to "in 15 minutes he's just going to start pulling talent." Yep, that's the business folks. Luckily, I was one of the first in the chair so I got my makeup and hair done early (after all, I was the "bride" of the bridal shower *smile*). We came down to the living room area and I was given a tagline "OH...I love it!" as I pulled the same ceramic teapot out of a box at least 50 times. It was difficult at times. For on-camera work, they need specifity and they need it right away. If they tell you to make an adjustment that want you to do it right away and do it perfectly, while still holding your arm at a 90 degree angle, holding your head just a little, smiling with no teeth and winking your left eye. Literally. There was a moment where the director had me look in one direction almost a trillion times and I was given the note that my look was "too big." (Theatrical sh-, from being a theater actress). That's all I will say...cause like I said, you never know whose reading these blogs. Overall it was a fun and exciting experience. I think I am still in shock that I will be on tv soon. Yep, still haven't processed it...Ha!

2) I had another commercial audition! This one is a SAG commercial that shoots in NY. Those who know, know what cell phone company it's but here's a's on of my favorites! I find out by the end of next week!

3)I'm enrolled in an advanced TV and Film class. One thing I learned at Stepp School, on-camera work is so different that theatre work...I am hungry for more trainig in this area so I will be starting class in two weeks. I can't wait!

So like I said...trying to get my self organized and settled...because I have a feeling things are about to get super busy soon...since the stars are the limit...I am gearing up for flight:) In the quest for fortune and fame, don't forget about the little things...

R. Marie

1 comment:

  1. Hey sweetheart,

    It's great to see that you are making a conscious effort to enjoy what's in front of you instead of what's next. We all get so wrapped up in the world and our to-do lists that it's easy to forget to slow down. But I believe, as we've discussed often, that single-tasking and taking each moment for what it is makes you enjoy life more and appreciate your day-to-day better. And as many theories as I have on that, it's something that I too struggle with on an everyday basis. And when that storm of positivity comes towards you, which it will, I know you'll only continue to approach it better and better each time, learning from every step along the way.
