Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Day 2:Be Present Every Moment!

People like pics, so I just added a random one: I had to write this blog the next morning vs. yesterday because I had to rest and get some things done. I also needed time to process.

Yesterday was our first full day of classes! We have pretty busy days. Our training is divided into three trimesters. The first trimester is mainly based on ensemble buiding and process training. The classes we have for the first trimester include Viewpoints, Meisner, Improv for Actors, Feldenkrais, and Voice. See here to learn more about what these classes are

We had Viewpoints class with Ms. Alex Billings today (who is the most fabulous teacher ever). She is part genius, part motivational speaker, and part crazy (as most actors are, I'm finding, including yours truly). Alex makes you feel like you can do anything, say anything be anything. She told us a quote on the first day (Alex is full of quotes): Everyone has .03% of stardust in them. It is a scientific fact that we are all stars! Since we are she tells us this quote "You don't have a right to keep your gift silent. It is your responsibility to share your gift!" When she spoke the first day, at least three people began crying. Which was great! Why, you say? For the folks who think crying is bad and AINT! It was very neccessary for those people to release that tension and in acting class (especially the ones we have) it is very neccessary to connect with whatever pain/hardships/ or s-h-i-t (as the teacher says) to bring to your art. This morning in class we all went around and talked about why we are artists. I hate these things usually. Funny how many actors can portray other characters with ease but when it's time to reveal their true selves, these personal revelation things are sometimes difficult. That is one thing I noticed about my self the first day....(but that's a whole 'nother blog entry folks:) So people all said very different things...there are 28 of us so I can't remember all but most people said in some shape or form that there is nothing else that they could see themselves doing...or there are other things that they are good at but there is nothing else that fills their soul (wink)....or this is the gift they are given that they want to share with the word/this is their divine purpose. What did Rhonda say? Okay, I'll tell yall. I said, "there's no other way. There are other things that I am good at, other things I could be doing but truth be told there is NOTHING that brings me more joy. Acting is my therapy. To be an actor means you must tell the truth and it helps me tell the truth in my life. Anything Rhonda has a hard time "being" in life, performing allows me to do so. Alex says "if you bring your life in your art, you will have art in your life".

So...I spent 30 minutes doing this blog and 50% of it (the rest) got erased because I kept typing not knowing my internet was not working. Thus...the main meat of my blog is erased.

Sorry to cheat you all, but now I have to start getting ready.

Here is a brief review:

Had Improv class, it was less about being funny and more about being in the moment. I felt insecure and intimidated a bit, but I am not going to do that to myself today.

We had Feldenkrais...which helps your body erase those bad habits so they will not show up on stage.

Then we had a viewpoints wrap up session.

I'll tell more later...I must go...

Until later today!


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