Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Transition Begins

Wow...Today was my last day at work at my current job. I never thought I would get to this point. I am full of mixed feelings: 1) happy to leave a place that was full of drama and negativity at one point, 2) Sad to leave my kids and my work family 3)Worried that I will not be prepared to begin the next step 4) Excited to begin the new chapter...AAAH!

I spent the day tying up lose ends, packing up my room, saying goodbye, and exchanging gifts with my pals.

It all went by so fast! But I know that oftentimes, change is inevitable, desirable, and necessary. Check this horoscope:

June 04, 2009
Aries (3/21-4/19)
When it comes to dealing with change, you're tops. Truth be told, you just love it --so your mission now is to provide a blissfully happy example of how terrific the outcome of change, no matter how sudden and drastic, can be. It's all in your attitude, as you well know. Encourage your loved ones to stay positive. No, insist

Spooky isn't it...but very true. Although I'm still processing it all, I know that the transition has literally begun... 4 more days...:)
R. Marie

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on taking your next step sweetheart. I know that this is the beginning of a new and great chapter in both our lives. :-)
